Posted Date: 01/15/2025
Why choose Platte #1? Platte County School District #1 endeavors to provide students with the best in teaching, learning, and innovation. Come back every week to see how PCSD#1 is setting a new standard in education. From new programs, equipment, and curriculum, to mental health, sports, activities and more! We look forward to sharing with you all that Platte #1 has to offer. #whychoosePCSD#1
January 2025
The 5th grade science class has been learning about Earth over the last few weeks. This week they are focusing on interactions between light sources and items within their environment. Noting the differences between natural and artificial light sources and how that affects the corresponding shadow. Identifying how light intensity, angle, time of day, and composition (opaque vs translucent) also have impact upon the resulting shadows they observe. From these observations the class will then begin discussing how the Earth moves in a predictable manner over time and how that further impacts their lives by creating seasons, tides, time, and much more.