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Micro-Grant Donated by Western Coffee Co. - Kindergarten

Posted Date: 11/29/2021

Micro-Grant Donated by Western Coffee Co. - Kindergarten

Recently, Platte County School District #1 had the honor of working with Becky Hilty and Western Coffee Co. to raise money for Platte County teachers and educational resources. The drive-up and delivery coffee company served over 500 drinks in 12 hours during the fundraiser! They went through 30 gallons of milk and raised over $6000. This money has been used to create a microgrant. Teachers have the option to apply for unique and untraditional items for their students and classrooms. See the article below for a glimpse at how this money is benefitting our #oneplatte1 family.

Dear MicroGrant donors,

Thank you so much for the generous donations to the numerous education entities in our community! Your generosity helped our classrooms receive a Kibo robot. With this robot our students are able to get a basic understanding of how coding works. This means that students create a string of “codes” for the robot to complete. Then they scan the code and watch the robot complete what they scanned. We are currently working on making sure we scan each block in the code because it will not complete the task if it doesn’t get scanned. The students have enjoyed getting to learn about coding in a fun and engaging way. Thank you again for supporting our students!

Mrs. McKain and Mrs. Wilhelm

Classic Kindergarten/Kindergarten Looping Teachers