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Cheer Champs!

Posted Date: 01/31/2022

Cheer Champs!

We had a great competition season! This team had the best game day routine our school has ever seen and while our team was over half freshman, they were able to do their job and not give up any seconds during their performance. We knew it would be close but as the names were called and teams began to accept the 4th, 3rd, and 2nd place trophies, we knew we were the last school up and it was an honor to accept the state champion trophy from Mr. Philo. We were also able to move up a place from last year in our all girl stunt routine and meeting our team goals that will help build on our experience for next year’s team. This Game Day win is extra special this year because not only did our Bulldogs beat all other 3A schools, we also had the highest score of the night over 2A and 4A schools. It was such a rush coming in to a competition with a young team and not quite knowing where we stand in terms of a final score but with 0 deductions and superior team chemistry we knew we had a chance if everyone did their job and executed the entire 3 minutes. We want to thank all of our supporters who have cheered us on this season. Thank you to our school and #1platte1 for making sure we have the practice space and time we need to be successful. A huge thank you to all of the parents. They are a great example of doing what it takes by looking beyond their own student and always supporting the entire team. To the athletes, thank you for being exactly who you are. You are selfless, you are diligent, you are unstoppable.
Once again your WHS Spirit Program brought home a championship to share with our whole community and we hope everyone takes time to enjoy it! Go Bulldogs!

Catherine Evans

cheer     plaque

Kitty  Cheer