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Academic Decathalon State Winners!

Posted Date: 03/29/2022

Academic Decathalon State Winners!

This year has been an unusual one for Academic Decathlon.  We started the year thinking we would have a live state competition and a live national competition in Pittsburgh.  In September our state director told us that nationals would again be held virtually.  At this time, Wyoming Academic Decathlon planned to host state virtually as well.  Later, the state AD director decided to hold our state tests on line but the speech and interview events live in Casper this past weekend on Sunday, March 27 and Monday, March 28.  Covid impacted the competition in that teams who usually participate did not choose to participate since there would be no live events.  Three teams, Burns, Laramie, and Wheatland, were the die-hards who did participate.  Wheatland was the smallest team of the three, but had members in the three required grade brackets.  As a result, Wheatland had the highest overall score and was declared the overall state winner and will compete in the virtual on-line competition.  Individual team members all earned medals. The number three high scorer in the Honors division was Megan Biggs, for which she received a  $250 scholarship; our high scorer in the Scholastic Division was Audrey Davis, and Zachary Smith was the high scorer in the Varsity bracket. Davis and Smith each received $800 scholarships.  Megan Biggs was voted the team’s most valuable player, and she received $200.  Over the last seven years the Wyoming State Academic Decathlon has awarded over 40,000 in student scholarships, many of them have been awarded to students from Wheatland High School. -Elizabeth Scicluna

State AD Winners
