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Micro Grant - Libbey Early Childhood

Posted Date: 05/04/2022

Micro Grant - Libbey Early Childhood

Platte County School District #1 had the honor of working with Becky Hilty and Western Coffee Co. to raise money for Platte County teachers and educational resources. The drive-up and delivery coffee company served over 500 drinks in 12 hours during the fundraiser! They went through 30 gallons of milk and raised over $6000. This money has been used to create a microgrant. Teachers have the option to apply for unique and untraditional items for their students and classrooms. See the article below for a glimpse at how this money is benefitting our #oneplatte1 family.

Huge thank you to Western Coffee and their micro-grant program!  We were able to purchase a sensory bin for Paw Patrol Preschool. Sensory bins are so important for preschooler development.  Thanks again! – Katy Marquez

Sensory Bin